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Property Experts Gather to Promote Bulgaria in UK

In response to recent negative press and complaints from British investors, Sash Solutions, independent Bulgarian property consultancy, gathered together with like-minded companies to present a series of educational seminars.
The lectures, which are to take place in the Birmingham city centre, in the property seminars are free for the public to attend.

The weekly seminars will cover many key principles and helpful lessons on making good investment decisions including: buying below market value, capital growth, and deal structure. As the target investment destination, Bulgaria will be presented in detail by a variety of speakers including independent mortgage and legal experts.
They will be addressing rare investment opportunities and show that Bulgaria is a truly fascinating country to be discovered.
In addition to the lectures, guests will be invited to socialize and enjoy a glass of popular Bulgarian wine while receiving personalized advice from local Bulgarian property experts.
"When investing in Bulgaria you invest in the opportunity that this country offers," Galina Mihaylova, managing director of Sash solutions, said.
Chris Dawnham, managing director of Bulgarian Home Loans, is also excited about Bulgaria and states that the true property market is still to be discovered, while economic development has thriving long term potential.
"Our goal is to give an accurate view of the market condition and to show why investing in Bulgarian property makes financial sense," Mihaylova added.
The seminars aim to give a truly factual picture of the property market and present real-world figures.

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